Journal articles:
- International Trade and Capital Allocation within Firms, Journal of Internal Economics, revise and resubmit (with S. Doerr, D. Suverato, T. Verdier)
- Do Multinationals Transplant their Business Model? The Economic Journal, Volume 131, Issue 634, February 2021, Pages 899–945 (with L. Rousova and T. Verdier. Featured in VoxEU
- Trade in Task and the Organization of Firms, European Economic Review 107, 2018, 99-132 (with J. Schymik and A. Tarasov). Featured in VoxEU,
- The Theory of the Firm goes Global, in: Philippe Aghion, Mathias Dewatripont, Patrick Legros, and Luigi Zingales (eds.): The Impact of Incomplete Contracts on Economics, Oxford University Press, 2016 (PDF, ca. 224 KB)
- What Explains the Rise of Executive Pay in Germany?, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118(2), 235-263, 2015 (with F. Fabbri)
- Corporate Hierarchies and International Trade: Theory and Evidence, Journal of International Economics 94(2), 295-310, 2014 (with Th. Verdier)
- Globalization and the Empowerment of Talent, Journal of International Economics, 86 (2), 209-223, 2012 (with Th. Verdier) (PDF, ca. 500 KB)
- When is FDI a Capital Flow?, European Economic Review, 55 (6), 845-861, 2011 (with M. Schnitzer) (PDF, ca. 304 KB)
- The Opening Up of Eastern Europe at 20: Jobs, Skills, and ‘Reverse Maquiladoras’ in: M. Jovanovic (Ed.), International Handbook on the Economics of Integration, Vol (2), Edward Elgar, 2011
- Are Multinational Banks Different? , Economic Policy 2010 (Word, ca. 90 KB)
- Competing in Organizations: Firm Heterogeneity and International Trade, in: E. Helpman, D. Marin, Th. Verdier (Eds.): The Organization of Firms in a Global Economy, pp. 142-172, Harvard University Press, 2008 (with Th. Verdier) (PDF, ca. 394 KB)
- Power in the Multinational Corporation in Industry Equilibrium, Economic Theory, 38(3), 437-464, 2008 (with Th. Verdier). (PDF, ca. 606 KB)
- Power Inside the Firm and the Market: A General Equilibrium Approach, Journal of the European Economic Association, 6(4), 752-788, 2008 (with Verdier). (PDF, ca. 606 KB)
- A New International Division of Labor in Europe: Outsourcing and Offshoring to Eastern Europe, Journal of the European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings, 2006.Reprint in: J. Winiecki (ed.): Competitiveness in New Europe, pp. 122-136, Routledge, London and New York, 2008. (PDF, ca. 250 KB)
- Disorganization and Financial Collapse, European Economic Review, 49 (2005), 387-408, (with M. Schnitzer).Reprint in: E. Berglöf and G. Roland (eds.): The Economics of Transition, The Fifth Nobel Symposium in Economics, pp. 70-93, Palgrave MacMillan, 2007. (PDF, ca. 277 KB)
- Globalization and the ‘New Enterprise’, Journal of the European Economic Association 1 (2-3), 337-344, 2003 (with Th. Verdier). (PDF, 365 KB)
Working papers:
- Global Value Chains in a World of Uncertainty and Automation, Technical University of Munich (with M. Faber, K. Kilic, G. Kozliakov) April 2024
- Mis-allocation within Firms: Internal Finance and International Trade, CESifo Working Paper 9426, November 2021.
- The Dark Side of Superstar Firms, TUM School of Management, Technical University of Munich, Mimeo, March 2022 (with D. Suverato).
- Mis-allocation within Firms: Internal Finance and International Trade, Centre for Economic Policy Research, CEPR Discussion Paper No 14478, London (with S. Doerr, D. Suverato, T. Verdier)
- Do Multinationals Transplant their Business Model?, SFB/TR 15 Discussion Paper No. 398, new version 2016 (with L. Rousova and Th. Verdier) (PDF, appr. 800 KB)
- "Europe’s exports superstar – it’s the organisation!", Bruegel Working Paper No 2015/05, with J. Schymik and J. Tscheke, July 2015, (ca. 3,3 MB)
- Trade in Tasks and the Organization of Firms, with J. Schymik and A. Tarasov, new revised version, February 2016 (PDF, ca. 496 KB)
- The Organization of European Multinationals, SFB/TR 15 Discussion Paper No. 367, September 2011 (with L. Rousová) (PDF, ca. 400KB)
- The Battle for Talent: Globalization and the Rise of Executive Pay, Bruegel Working Paper No 2009/01, 2009 (PDF, ca. 210 KB)
- Human Capital and Macroeconomic Growth: Austria and Germany 1960-1997, Munich Economics Discussion Paper 4, 2005 (with R. Koman) (PDF, ca. 406 KB)
- The Vanishing Barter Economy in Russia: A Test of the Virtual Economy Argument? A Reply. SFB/TR 15 Discussion Paper, 2006. (PDF, ca. 76 KB)
- A Nation of Poets and Thinkers – Less so with Eastern Enlargement? Austria and Germany. Centre for Economic Policy Research, Discussion Paper 4358, London 2004 (PDF, ca. 1.1 MB)
Work in Progress:
- The Evolution of Corporate Organization around the World (with G. Kozliakov, F. Pisch), Technical University of Munich
- The Financial Economics of Multinational Firms
Other articles:
- Uncertainty Affects All: How Supply Chains Change with Covid, in: A Fracturing World: The Future of Globalization. Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, September 2022
- Die Unsicherheit verändert alles: Die Zukunft der Globalisierung, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, November 2022
- Uncertainty Affects All: How Supply Chains Change with Covid, in: A Fracturing World: The Future of Globalization. Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, September 2022
- Die Unsicherheit verändert alles: Die Zukunft der Globalisierung, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, November 2022
- Germany’s Integration into the World Economy: Looking Back and Ahead, Deutsche Bundesbank, 20. Geburtstag des Euro-Bargelds, Frankfurt 2022
- Ostdeutschland gestern und morgen, Wirtschaftsdienst, 101. Jahrgang, 2021, Heft 13, p. 7
- Wird die Deglobalisierung die Inflation anheizen? Wirtschaftsdienst, 101. Jahrgang, 2021, Heft 12, p 924
- Die Wiedergeburt der ostdeutschen Industrie, Wirtschaftsdienst, 100. Jahrgang, 2020, Heft 10, p 733
- Erschütterte Lieferketten – V-Erholung unwahrscheinlich, Wirtschaftsdienst, 100. Jahrgang, 2020, Heft 7, p 476
- How Covid-19 is Transforming the World Economy, VoxEU, May 2020
- Wie Covid-19 Deutschland und die Weltwirtschaft verändert, ifoSchnelldienst, 5/2020
- 30 Jahre Politikversagen: Deutschland mit zwei Seelen, Wirtschaftsdienst, 2019 (10), 670-671
- Der globale Wettbewerb wird es mit sich bringen, das auch wir im Westen mehr subventionieren. Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 2019, Vol. 20(2), 133-144.
- Global Value Chains, the Rise of the Robots and Human Capital, Wirtschaftsdienst, 2018 (13), 26-49.
- Time to Rethink Competition Policy in the Digital Age: The G20 should create a World Competition Network to address Superstar Firms, G20 Policy Brief, April 5, 2017.
- Germany - A World Champion in Organizing, International Banker, January 4, 2016
- The New Corporation in Europe. BRUEGEL Policy Brief, September 2008 (PDF, ca. 432 KB)
- Countertrade, in: St. Durlauf and L. Blume (Eds.): Dictionary in Economics, Palgrave Mc Millan, 2008 (with M. Schnitzer)
- Human Capital and Outsourcing in Eastern and Western Europe. Beyond Transition, 17/3 (2006), 6-7.
- Das mobile Talent: Globalisierung und die neue Unternehmenskultur. Einsichten Zeitschrift der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 1( 2003). (PDF, ca. 1.9 MB)
- Is Human Capital Losing from Outsourcing? Evidence for Austria and Poland, in: St. Brakman and H. Garretsen (Eds.) Recent Developments in International Trade: Globalization and the Multinational Enterprise, MIT Press, Cambridge 2008, forthcoming (with A. Lorentowicz and A. Raubold). (PDF, ca. 489 KB)
- Ownership, Capital and Outsourcing: What Drives German Investment to Eastern Europe?, in: Herrmann, Heinz, Lipsey, Robert (Eds.): Foreign Direct Investment in the Real and Financial Sector in Industrial Countries, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2003 (with A. Lorentowicz and A. Raubold). (PDF, ca. 2.3 MB)