- Es kommen keine mehr! Auslandsinvestitionen in Deutschland, Handelsblatt-Workday Changemaker Event, Frankfurt am Main , April 2024
- Die Neudefinition des deutschen Exportmodells, Forum Ne Economy, 12. Mai 2023
- FIW-Trade Talks "Das deutsche Wirtschaftsmodell in einer neuen Ära der Deglobalisierung"
- Was bleibt von der Globalisierung? Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 16. März 2023, NZZ Podium
- A Fracturing World: The Future of Globalization, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, September 13, 2022
- Corona, Energiekrise, Krieg – Wie kann Deutschland seine Abhängigkeit lösen, Forum New Economy, 11. Mai 2022.
- Putin’s war and the German Economic Model, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 3. Mai 2022
- Europe 2022: Industriestandort Europa auf dem Prüfstand: die Schlüsselindustrien der Zukunft stärken, DIE ZEIT, Februar 2022
- Can Developing Markets Fuel Global Recovery? Kyiv International Economic Forum, The Economist, November 2021, Kyiv
- Die Auswirkungen der Corona-Krise auf die international Zusammenarbeit der deutschen Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft für Außenpolitik , 11. Juni 2021
- Globalization and Populism, Forum New Economy, New Paradigm Workshop, Forum New Economy, 25. Mai 2021, Berlin
- Innovation and Inclusive Growth: how to transform global linkages and industrial policy for a new era, London School of Economics, Maryam Annual Forum 2020, 10. December 2020
- Europe’s Future Economy of the Common Good, November 23, 2020, Moral Markets
- Die Rolle des Finanzmarkts nach COVID, Österreichische Finanzmarktaufsicht, 1. Oktober 2020, Wien
- 30 Jahre nach der Vereinigung – braucht der Kapitalismus eine Erneuerung? 28. September 2020, Forum New Economy, Berlin
- The World Economy: How Covid-19 is Transforming it, Centre for Economic Policy, London, June 2020
- Video: Think 20 Summit "Global Solutions". Proposal of a World Competition Network, June 2017
- Public Lecture: "Die digitalisierte Weltwirtschaft: Herausforderungen für Osteuropa", Graduate School for East and Southeast Europe, LMU Munich, November 2016
- Lecture: "Die brillanten Roboter kommen", Studieren um jeden Preis? Conference, University of Vienna, April 29-30, 2016
- Lecture: Europäisches Forum Alpbach, August 2015
- Keynote Lecture: "The Rise of the Robots in Europe" at the Conference 'The Reindustrialization of Europe', Forum Europe, Brussels, June 2015
- Lecture: Barcelona GSE Summer Forum on "Firms in the Global Economy", June 2015
- Keynote Lecture: Workshop on Trade & Institutions, Ferrara (I), May 2015
- Presentation: Deutsch-Italienisches Wirtschaftsforum, Gesellschaft 4.0, Milan, April 2015
- Lecture: "Firms Dynamics, Trade and Development" at the Research Institute for Development, Growth and Economics (RIDGE) , Montevideo (UY), December 2014. Programme
- Lecture: SFB/TR 15 conference, Caputh, October 2014
- Presentation: "Globalization and the Rise of the Robots", Columbia University Global Center, Paris, October 2014
- Lecture: European Trade Study Group (ETSG) in Munich, September 2014. Programme
- Lecture: 17. World Congress of the International Economic Association in Jordan, June 2014. Programme
- Lecture: CESifo Area Conference on Global Economy, Munich, May 2014. Programme
- Presentation: Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, January 2013 at the Invited Session "The Organizational Economics of Multinational Firms". Link to the Session Program.
- Lecture: Winter Meeting of the Italian Trade Study Group (ITSG), Trento (I), November 2012. Programme
- Presentation: Invited Session "Firms and entrepreneurship in developing countries" at the Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Malaga (ESP), August 2012.
- Keynote Lecture: "The New New Trade Theory: How It Matters for the Global Economic Crisis", Bretton Woods Conference, Institute for New Economic Thinking, 2011
- Presentation: Conference Anniversary of “Grossman and Hart at 25”, June 24-26, 2011, University of Chicago and ECARES, Brussels
- Interview: Zurück zum Lyzeum, Digital- und Netzkonferenzen 2010
- Panel Discussion: "Outsourcing und Offshoring - Gefahr oder Chance?", University of Zurich, March 7, 2005